Many people are now finding antiques as a great way of making their rooms look that little bit more special. However, you should consider several things before you purchase a particular antique item that you have been looking for. Remember an antique can be any collectible item that is approximately 100 years old or more and has an aesthetic value. You could look at grand clocks, pianos, silverware, ivory, Faberge eggs or jewelry items are just some of the more desirable antique items that people collect now days. In fact each person will have their own particular preference for what sort of antique pieces they will collect.What you first need to consider when making the purchase is the pieces history and originality. You will find many rear antiques come at a high price and do not be fooled by fake replicas (usually cheaper) and occasionally you will find that some antique dealers will put up retouched items for sale. However, antiques really look their best when they have not been refurbished, but do not purchase an item that has any defects. Remember the originality of the antique is what makes it so precious.The best thing to do before you purchase any antique item is carrying out proper research on the item in question. The internet is in fact the best place to carry out such research and it will also provide you with valuable information relating to the price of antiques around the world as well as providing a good history of the item in question. Certainly if you are beginner in the world of purchasing antiques and you have not carried out research correctly you may have difficulties in telling the difference between a reproduction and a original antique. All antique pieces should show some wear and tear and such small details are something that you should look out for when considering a purchase. If you find the item looks flawless then more than likely it is a genuine antique.One of the best places you should go to when deciding to purchase an antique is an auction being help by a reputable auction house or antique store as they will ensure that the item you are likely to purchase is genuine and should also come with a certificate of authenticity or originality. Certainly you should make a conscious effort to visit antique auctions regularly if you want to get that coveted item for your collection.You may even find sometimes that garage sales people hold are a good place to find antiques, you may even be surprised when you find a rare item at a very good price, just make sure it is original. Although the internet is a good source for information relating to antiques this is not the case when you are considering purchasing an antique online. It is not possible for you to have a first hand look at the item being sold on the internet and many times the photos showing on the website will often hide any defects or deficiencies that are there. So unless the item is being sold through a reputable dealer then I would consider not purchasing the item.Finally, proper care and maintenance of the items you have purchased should preserve for time to come. Also when purchasing an item, remember to gather information on how to correctly store and preserve the item you have brought and also keep them in a moderately humid or cool place always avoid keeping the item in direct sunlight. You will need to always handle your antique items with care and do not clean excessively as this will ruin the originality of the item.There are many antique guides available for would be first time antique buyers as well as books on how to start an antique collection. You can at a later stage purchase guides and books on specific antique items as well.
By Allison Thompson [ 13/10/2006 ][ viewed 83 times ]
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