A big challenge came to Joy Lauren in the form of her character on ABC's Desperate Housewives, as she was to play a woman at the center of the show's teen pregnancy storyline. Upon realizing this, she knew that she was up for a real challenge."[It was] definitely something I've never experienced before — I'm not really angst-ridden and I'm not pregnant — so it was definitely a stretch for me to play!" Lauren, who plays Bree Hodge's (Marcia Cross) daughter, Danielle, said in an interview with TV Guide.Despite taking on the challenge, however, Lauren has a positive attitude towards playing the character, as it allows her to experience "ll sorts of things that you wouldn't do normally."Joy Lauren began acting at the age of seven, and by the time she was 11, her mother, Nan Jorgensen moved her to Los Angeles so that Lauren could pursue an acting career. Jorgensen has been a truly supportive mother, and does not tie Lauren down."She always gave me a really long leash. So I never had the desire to go out there and do anything crazy because she never told me I couldn't. It's like, you're a teenager, you need to experience things," Lauren explained. "But if you get into trouble, you're going to stay at home in your room for the rest of your life! If I messed up, she'd take that all away."Lauren's first appearance on television was in 2002, when she appeared as guest on the crime drama, The Division. Despite working very hard in the entertainment industry, she still values her studies."I was 14 when I [passed] the California high-school proficiency exam," Lauren told TV Guide. "But I continued taking some classes because I wanted to get a good education."Lauren's character, Danielle is also focusing on her academics, as she agreed to go to college while Bree and stepfather Orson takes care of the baby. However, not much has been happening in that storyline as the writers' strike still continues, a crisis that Lauren is fully aware of."Of course I want to get back to work as soon as possible because I love what I do, [but] we're very supportive of the writers and feel like they need to take the time to get what they deserve," she said. "It's something they need to stand their ground on."
By groshan fabiola [ 18/12/2007 ][ viewed 14 times ]
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
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