Tuesday, January 29, 2008

3.09 Stranger in a Strange Land Easter Egg Report

Lost has become the utmost source of depth-filled sci-fi in today’s popular culture. Fantasy and science fiction are still prevalent in our society today, but not at the rate at which they used to. Of course, there are some circles where this is entirely untrue, but for the most part, the common person is not inundated with sci-fi. Lost is bringing it back into the mainstream and not in the way you would assume would happen.Lost is remarkable in the fact that it brings heavy-duty mythology to millions of homes. This stuff is dense, shrouded in mystery, and full of loose ends. Not the kind of thing that the American attention span is used to. Especially lately.The best part about Lost is that it basks in its oddness. It is unlike any other show to come before or since, it retains its own unique style even when it does something totally new and it is the first TV show I have ever seen where I have absolutely no clue what will happen at any given moment.One of the cooler parts of Lost for the hardcore fans is the inclusion of Easter Eggs in every episode. These Easter Eggs are little clues that fill up the frames as the show goes along. Sometimes they’re hints, sometimes they’re just little throwbacks to previous episodes, sometimes they hold major, revealing information. DocArzt over at BuddyTV is the expert on Lost Easter Eggs and every fan should check them out if they get the chance.
By groshan fabiola [ 27/02/2007 ][ viewed 119 times ]

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