Smallville's Michael Rosenbaum is optimistic about his career in directingbased on his debut project called "Freaks," an episode of Smallville season6. Having this as his groundwork, he picked up a lot from this experiencenaming it the "biggest challenge" he has ever made in the program and in hisentire career.The villain actor showed much promise and potential with his firstdirectional project garnering a rating of 9.39 on TV.Com. And although therewas not much anticipation with his first work, the outcome of the episodewas surprisingly positive.Having a number of television appearances, Rosenbaum now yearns for the"behind the camera experience." As a director, he lost a few pounds and wentthrough a lot of stress. But despite the strenuous and demanding tasks, notto mention the laborious decisions he had to make, he still enjoyed thewhole experience and looks forward to other directional opportunities in thefuture.His passion and interest in further pursuing directing, especially in thefield of comedy, was evident in his enjoyment of even the littlest detailsof creating the said episode. He takes delight in the thrill of taking incharge of people, not to mention handling a huge sum of money, which he candispose according to his discretion. Moreover, he credits a major part ofhis enjoyment in directing to the people he works with.More importantly, the directional break became a huge doze of self-discoveryfor Rosenbaum who learned a lot about himself, realizing that he is capableof making influential and crucial decisions at a cooker pressureenvironment.Ultimately, he is grateful for the rare opportunity he obtained as part ofthe series Smallville. The action packed series has had quite a positivereputation of giving wannabe directors a break in fulfilling theiraspirations just like with Smallville actor Tom Welling who previouslydirected two episodes of the series.
By groshan fabiola [ 27/02/2007 ][ viewed 185 times ]
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