A fictional tale of people and puppets living together in the harsh enviorment of New York City streets, telling the story of all the generations of young hopeful adults who come to the big city to chase their dreams and find their identity as they become adults. The show opened on July 10, 2003 at the Golden Theatre in the theater district of New York's famed Broadway. The production is an original musical which has won praise from critics, bringing a breathe of fresh air to Broadway. The musical score includes great songs, mixed in with puppets and people dealing with the different problems, such as an internet addict and a sexual identy crisis. The storyline goes very deep into adult problems, as the idea of reading about puppets, you make think this is more of a light hearted event, however some dark issues are dealt with, all the while bringing you closer to the character, whether it be a human or a puppet. Avenue Q made its official debut off Broadway at the Vineyard Theater, once critics and viewers began applauding it's work, it was moved onto Broadway to the John Golden Theatre where the production continues to gain a fan base and sell out shows. Most who see the show feel it is the best production on broadway right now, and i would have to agree.Avenue Q took home 4 Tony awards in 2003 including, including Best Musical, Best Original Score and Best Book. Avenue Q Broadway show tickets are currently on sale at an average price of sixty-four dollars per seat.
By reed tieri [ 17/09/2006 ][ viewed 214 times ]
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
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