Survivor is an institution. The Mark Burnett reality show began its career as a huge phenomenon, popping up out of nowhere to become a runaway hit from the first episode it aired. Since, Survivor has continued its success and, although it doesn’t hit the huge numbers it did in its first couple of seasons, it still is an extremely profitable franchise.Not many shows ever make it to 14 seasons and I guarantee not many people would’ve predicted this kind of longevity for Survivor during first season. Survivor (and reality TV in general) was regarded as a passing fad, a simple moment in time in TV history that would soon pass. As we have all found out, this is not the case. Oh, yes, there were a few seasons of reality show saturation, with all sorts of terrible knock-offs, but now, after the dust has settled, all the big name franchises remain, as strong as ever. If this isn’t an example of the staying power of reality TV, I don’t know what is. There are many self-righteous people out there to despise reality TV and its success, but their reasons are largely faulty. Why is reality drama less meaningful than scripted?It’s not. Yes, of course the producers and editors have manipulative power in their hands and reality shows will play up things that they think will make good stories, but scripted drama is based upon audience manipulation. What goes on in scripts is false, it is made-up, yet we are supposed to feel for the characters. This is not at all an indictment of scripted TV, but a knock on those who dismiss reality TV completely.Survivor has proven that reality TV can be great and is here to stay.
By groshan fabiola [ 14/02/2007 ][ viewed 195 times ]
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