Thursday, February 07, 2008

Great way to learn magic tricks

Magic it’s not what it used to be. 10 years ago you couldn’t find any revealed magic tricks on the internet or the ones you could find where very bad tricks , tricks that really don’t impress(not magical)Now you can find magic tricks all over the internet. The great thing about this is that most of them are revealed and you can actually learn how to perform these tricks.By learning and performing those in front of your family or friends you will get far more attention and you will be more popular. Nowadays you can find magic tricks everywhere, and many other sites where you can upload videos and not only. Magicians and wannabe magicians upload there videos there because they want other people to see it and check if they are doing the tricks correctly.While browsing on the internet the other day a nice website came in my attention. It was a website about magic as well but very well done and it compiled some great videos from youtube and some other related sites. This site is: and it definitely gets my vote as one of the best learn magic sites .You can check it out and if you’re not impressed by the graphics and the well made explanations about magic tricks you must not live in the real world.It’s a great site and I congratulate the webmaster for doing a great environment for us to learn magic.So as a conclusion: Go ahead and learn magic! Be cool...being a magician
By Tarcomnicu Robert [ 02/02/2007 ][ viewed 50 times ]

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