Friday, January 18, 2008

Was Piracy Battlestar Galactica’s Key to Success?

was surfing for info on Battlestar Galactica for a retrospect the other day and came across a piece titled ‘How Battlestar Galactica Made it in America by Sky One before a single American got a chance to watch i. Or so they hoped.In reality, Battlestar Galactica episodes leapt onto the torrent networks at an unprecedented rate. Some merely minutes after the episodes had aired. Battlestar Galactica became a cult hit amongst the pirate society, and the elusive series’ rogue run contributed to a hype of unprecedented proportions.Not only did Battlestar Galactica pirates gleefully boast about their score, they inadvertently served as walking, talking billboards for the show, contributing to anticipation that saw the new series received with some of the best ratings in Sci-Fi channel history.
By groshan fabiola [ 12/12/2006 ][ viewed 1166 times ]

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